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A shift in thinking is being demonstrated in this situation. May cool heads prevail!

A herd of 100 horses was trapped for 3 days on a tiny piece of land that became an island in wind and rain in the Netherlands in November. Their natural instincts kept them from swimming to solid land.

The Dutch nation was mesmerized, watching this drama, as 18 of the horses perished, while others were slowly weakening, even though food was dropped in from above. First the fire department, then the Dutch army tried to rescue them - both efforts were unsuccessful. Then, with a break in the weather the water level went down and four women decided to try to rescue them by luring the horses into the water. Once the horses were able to witness how it was done, they easily crossed the now chest-high water back to safe ground. It was fantastic!

"Preconceived notions are the locks on the door to wisdom."
— Merry Browne