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This is a big week for coining new terms.

This past Sunday when I delivered the keynote address
for Northside Hospital's "Celebration of You"--a gathering
of volunteers & cancer "survivors"(to use old terminology) and their
care-givers--they loved my NEW TERM: C-CHAMPS!

Harriet Hoskyns-Abrahall of WABE chimed in to my Ezine last week:
"Survivors conjures up a vision of a person who has spent too
long on a desert island of disease, rather than celebrating our
return to health." I quoted her verbatim in my speech,
thank you very much!

I'll share one of my healing secrets that I conveyed to the audience in
"EXPERIENCE, STRENGTH & HOPE: More Meaning, More Healing"
in the Feature Tidbits below.

Also want to thank ALL OF YOU who sent love & healing light
yesterday for my implant placement surgery -- I now have NOOBS!
(the second term I coined this week New + Boobs = Noobs).

Everything went smoothly--I arrived at 6am and was home by 11:30am,
put in a full day and zipping along today. Love that Northside team!

Ironically, one of my biggest emotional challenges has been getting
my hair right. Can't have that new professional photography
until it's just the right length. Talk about learning acceptance of
what is. So, while you're waiting to see the new me, join me in
the practice of patience, trust & surrender.

Love & Well Wishes,
Patrice Dickey
Your Guide to the Life You Love
Wellness & Life Coach

PS-- Two great, life-changing classes coming up!
My class, GET THE LIFE YOU LOVE at Evening at Emory,
now in its 11th popular year, begins Tuesday, July 27.
Spaces extremely limited-- get the information here:

And, my dear friend Katie Weber, Master Feng Shui consultant,
is teaching How to Start a Feng Shui Consulting Business. She's
going to reveal ALL her feng shui secrets at her Master Consulting
class this fall. Her syndicated Feng Shui column covers the US!


What we resist, persists. And what we focus on, especially
with strong emotions, we attract.

So it's going to be interesting to shift the paradigm of how
most people view challenges like dis-ease.

In my talk for Northside C-CHAMPS I described how I gave
thanks for the continuing shrinkage of "Lumpy" (what I
named the 7x3cm tumor in my right breast, diagnosed
March 2009). I'd decided that rather than fighting it, I would
LOVE it right out of my body--just like Aunt Bea on
"Andy Griffith" might hug you so hard it'd squeeze the
stuffing out of you.

Every day I listened to one of the Monroe Institute's
Cancer Support Series, and with the T-Cell Journey CD I
envisioned big fluffy white cells like big ole dearheart grannies just
squeezing Lumpy and loving it right on out of me.

Kind of like Jesus' admonition to "turn the other cheek"
and the notion that a soft answer turns away wrath.

My objective was to maintain a high vibration of love & joy,
forgiveness and acceptance, rather than succumb to fear.

All thoughts stimulate neurotransmitters that alter the chemical
composition of our bodies, and create either positive or
negative environments for disease to take hold.

That's why it's important to let our thoughts rise up like
wings of eagles, and not faint.

The message really resonated with people who have been
slugging it out and fighting the enemy. Why not just "get
the message and release the messenger" in the flow of life?


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