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What is Fear, Really?

More than 20 years ago, I embarked upon my spiritual
journey, receiving sustenance from Al-Anon meetings
(for family & friends of alcoholics) every Tuesday night for
SIX YEARS. Their philosophies pulled me back from the
brink more than once.

Fear looms large in the lives of people dealing with addicts
and addiction--I never knew when the phone would yield
the latest tidbit of doom about loved one(s), including
my mother, so I was constantly on alert.

One of those tidbits of Al-Anon wisdom that STUCK was their
acronym for FEAR-- False Evidence Appearing Real.

Think about it. We become fearless in this life when we
finally understand we're made for whatever happens to us--
in fact, it's all part of our soul's plan for growth.

We have a number of options to deal with FEAR.

We can Flee Everything And React.
Or Face Everything And Recover.
Best of all, we can Focus Energy, Accept Responsibility.

Accept responsibility for your thoughts, your actions,
and the unfolding of your life, rather than continually
pointing the finger of blame.

The next time you label something as "bad" ask yourself,
"If this were happening for a higher purpose, what would
that be?"


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