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How to Get Your MOJO Back!

It was the darkest days of World War II--
the Battle of Britain--
London was strafed and bombed nightly by
Hitler's Luftwaffe--
and the people were sore afraid.

But history was about to experience
the major, world-changing impact
of one individual who saw the possibilities,
even in the most desperate of times.

Isaiah Berlin describes Sir Winston Churchill's ferocious
idealization of the British people.
In 1940, their stalwart Prime Minister gave them such
a strong image to live up to that they began to see
themselves as he saw them:

"the bouyant and imperturbable temper of Britain
which I had the honour to express"--

The irony was
that Churchill himself had the
lion's share in creating it!


The force of his words was so hypnotic; his faith was
so strong, that by sheer intensity of his eloquence
they were spellbound as he seemed to speak what was
in their hearts and minds.

He stirred the greatness that was dormant inside them.
The heroic mood that he had awakened
turned the fortunes of the Battle of Britain--
not by slipping into the depressing mood
of his surroundings, but by being imperious to it.

And that's what we either need to do for ourselves,
or find a coach, mentor or uplifting community
to help us experience it.


Along with imagining yourself at your highest & best,
as Winston Churchill did for the British in their darkest hours,
and being gentle with yourself if you stumble
a bit along the way (2 steps forward, one back--
isn't that the rhumba?)...

Here's the easy acronym for
getting your MOJO back:

M--Mobilize the helpful powers, both visible & invisible,
which surround and inhabit you always.
You can do this through prayer, ritual, meditation,
forgiveness, visualization and intention.
(Operators are standing by! All you need to do is ASK!)

O--Open your mind & heart to accept your highest good--
and remember, you may have NO IDEA what it's
going to look like! One spiritual mentor used to ask,
"A Niagara Falls of good is pouring down around you--
What's the size of the receptacle you're holding out for it?
A thimble? A teacup? A cistern? A lake? An ocean?
How much good are you willing to accept?"

J--Jump out into the Flow and see where it takes you!
Use energy management techniques like breathing,
yoga and exercise (earlier, I took a brisk walk in the snow--
talk about Mojo!) You'll get more comfortable with the flow
of life. Use intuition and common sense as your rudders.

O--Outshine perceived obstacles--and watch them disappear.
Let go of the struggle with shadows and transcend them.
Remember, the seeming adversity is really the ally, here to
help you learn that particular lesson with love, and move on.

Do these ideas resonate with you? Here's my exciting


Fall in Love with Your Life!

Come with me on April 9-11, 2010, to the Four Star, Four Diamond
freshly renovated Old Edwards Inn and Spa in the
charming resort town of Highlands, North Carolina.

Join me for a weekend of comfy and fun exploration on your
own Path of Possibility, with an extremely affordable room and
dining package (their chef is outstanding; an award-winner),
optional yoga and spa treatments, and more!

On The Renewal Experience, you will:

*Re-Envision Your Life/Create Your Own Vision Board
*Greet Your Inner Guide
*Reconnect with Your Values
*Roll with New Vision and Focus on the Wheel of Life
*Engage Active Imagination through Journaling
*Raise Your Vibration to Attract Your Good
*Emerge Refreshed, Rejuvenated and Renewed
*Get Your MOJO Back!

Relish small group interactions and guided, reflective time
to get to know the best friend you'll ever have-- YOU!

For all the juicy details, and to learn about some great
gifts you'll receive just for signing in at this site, please visit

Pssst! I'm GIVING AWAY (to U.S. residents) my
inspirational CD, 21 Selected Chapters from
Back to the Garden: Getting from Shadow to Joy

It's more than a $15 value--and it comes when you register
via actual snail mail.

Imagine something uplifting in your mailbox!

PLUS, those who register will have access to my
complimentary teleseminar on Wednesday, 1/20/10:

How to Get Your Mojo Back!

(you'll get the details in another email closer to the date).

The Renewal Experience, and this Life-Changing
weekend will fill up fast--so visit today!


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