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Free Teleseminar-How to Get the Life You Love!

It's okay! Don't fret!
So many requests have come in from
folks who missed my complimentary
teleseminar to kick off Chinese New Year
on Monday-- that I'm offering it to you NOW!

It's jammed with great tools & tips on
How to Get the Life You Love!

(I decided to host the complimentary
call to celebrate my TENTH YEAR
of teaching Get the Life You Love
for Emory University in Atlanta.

Here's where to register and you'll
get right to the mp3 download--
for some fun & inspiration!

You'll learn:
*7 Secrets Blocking People from
Getting the Life They Love
(after all, defining a problem is 50%
of its solution!)

you need to do to get the life you love
(it's so do-able, what a gift);

*Simple tips & exercises to generate that
good juju for yourself;

*A life-enriching exploration of YOU that
may really open your eyes!

If you're feeling a bit low right
now over the economy or anything else--
this call will BRING YOU UP!


Check it out!

Love & Well Wishes,


PS--Here's what Kelly Czack of Athens, Ohio, said about
the call:

"I'm so burned out from reaching and researching
a new path for myself that I don't have much "kick" left.
Or at least I didn't think so until tonight....your teleseminar
hit a chord with me!


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