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Author 101!

Keynote speaker at Author 101 and co-author of the "Chicken Soup for the Soul" series Mark Victor Hansen inspired all of the authors & wannabes in the room with these bits of wisdom.

Blockbuster novelist Nora Roberts was a bored housewife who said to herself, "I can do that!" and now writes longhand 55,000 words a week without editing. She creates major collaborations with products like Diet Coke to sell millions of books. (Did you know that Diet Coke drinkers read books, but Coke people don't?) Hmmmm.... maybe their brains are too sugared-up to think!

Hansen, whose father was illiterate in Danish, reminded us that we must be RELENTLESS MARKETERS -- and that Real Wealth = Ideas (Inspiration) + Energy. "Write the title and the information will show up," he said. "Success is the result of hard work over time." 144 publishers turned him and Jack Canfield down when they launched their Chicken Soup series, and yet they prevailed.

As authors & idea people, he encouraged everyone in the room to "Create new Thinkware" to get our nation & world out of its current fix. 89% of books are sold to women. We can make things happen with the right attitude, vision and focus!

Darling Rick Frishman, the wizard behind the Author 101 events, shared tips on Guerilla Marketing, Guerilla Publicity and Where's Your Wow? -- some of the numerous books he's co-authored in his 32 year career as a publicist. An important tip from Rick: Grab the URLs of any books you're even THINKING about writing.

The two days I spent in the room with all those experts were phenomenal. Now, onward to implementation! As Mark Victor Hansen reminds us, in an info-saturated world we need to be nearly monomaniacal in our quest to get our message out there.

Here's a success in "Getting the Life You Love!" My friend Rita MacCallon, who took my class at Evening at Emory a few years ago, experienced some major life transitions and then did private coaching with me, has launched her dream-- The Park Pet Care-- a deluxe doggy & small pet paradise on Lawrenceville Hwy just outside I-285 in Atlanta. Here she is with some of her staff and some of the happiest pooches I've ever seen. That place is posh!

And On a Patriotic Note
Election Day is just days away, and as you know, this election season is like no other. The stakes are extraordinarily high and EVERY VOTE COUNTS! That’s why my friend Kyle Young at Multi-TaskingWoman.com launched www.NeverTooBusyToVote.com, to ask everyone we know across the country to make time to GO VOTE!


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