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The Millennium Gate

For the Millennium Gate,opening in midtown Atlanta at Atlantic Station on July 4th, my client GLASS CRAFT USA has created three stunning pieces to surround and focus attention on the central bust of President George Washington in the main gallery. The US Presidential Seal is etched and inlaid with 23 1/2 carat gold, along with the Washington family Coat of Arms and Washington’s family crest, all in full color.

Here are Basil Haslett of Glass Craft USA and Rodney Cook, who conceived the Millennium Gate, holding the Presidential Seal.

With its unique, US-patented portable etching process, GLASS CRAFT USA engraves designs onto all types of glass, including tempered. This 'deep cut' etching permits engraved designs to be painted or inlaid for spectacular full color and precious metal finishes. Basil Haslett, artist and inventor of the process, derives his technique from a family monument business founded in Ireland in 1745. www.glasscraftusa.com


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