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The Campaign Tail

Hillary Rodham Kitten, inveterate campaigner, has curled up in exhaustion on the porch. Certainly a great way to tolerate a hot June day!

I'm also thrilled to be invited to be interviewed by Jean Adrienne on her 7th Wave Network "InnerSpeak Soul Adventures" on www.VoiceAmerica.com
next Tuesday, June 10, 8pm EST. I'll be talking about "How to Convert Your Chaos to Cash"-- the Simple Recipe for Right Brain Entrepreneurs to start making money with their gifts. Tune in!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

How wonderful that you got to spend some quality time with your niece, seeing and hearing her in a choral concert. Did it make you cry a few tears of joy? I always get such a lump in my throat on such occasions.

June 10, 2008 at 6:08 PM  

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