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Mitch Albom--or Patrice Dickey?

Can you guess why I'm smiling so big?

Imagine my pleased surprise on Friday (the beginning of a spectacular Memorial Weekend!) when I was invited to lead the INAUGURAL program for Fayette County, Georgia's "Fayette On the Page," a "One Book, One Community" program encouraging all of Fayette County (here in Atlanta metro), to read the same book and talk about it!

Mitch Albom's Tuesdays With Morrie is the chosen book; and the program finale includes a gala affair with free food on Saturday, July 26, 2008, at 1 pm on the lawn. My talk (which starts at 2pm) will be inside in the air conditioning!!

Fayette County Public Library
1821 Heritage Park Way
Fayetteville, GA 30214

Guess what-- Mitch Albom wasn't available to speak so the officials contacted me!

"I see you everywhere," said the librarian who'd met me at Decatur Book Festival last year--and had seen lots of continuing media about my multi-award winning book, BACK TO THE GARDEN: Getting from Shadow to Joy.

BACK TO THE GARDEN is on the same themes as "Tuesdays With Morrie"
*Staying focused on "the good" despite life's tragedies, twists & turns;
*Finding a universe in a drop of dew (or learning to focus & be present;
*Knowing that the external trappings will never satisfy an inner longing;
*Re-connecting with the people who mean or have meant something to us;
*Discovering that all we ever needed or wanted was love, after all.

What an honor to be #2 on their speaker list! Hey, as the old advertising slogan says,
"We're Number 2-- we try harder!"

Come out and see me -- timeless wisdom from Your Guide to the Life You Love, and free food for dessert!


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