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My client from Northern Ireland, Basil Haslett, is back in Atlanta establishing his US headquarters for Glass Craft USA-- a system of etching or engraving tempered glass that received its US patent in Jan 2008!

To celebrate, he donated a lovely etched glass titled "Dogwood Sunrise" to the volunteer chairman of the Atlanta Dogwood Festival 2008, who also happens to be president of Sunrise Bank of Atlanta. Get it? "Dogwood Sunrise" combines the best of both. Pictured here are Basil's US team (L-R) Ron & Gwen Marshall, and standing in front of them Marilyn Pearlman of Pearlman Associates, Basil Haslett, Patrice Dickey and Patrick Brennan.

And Voila! On the left is the large etched tempered glass, "Dogwood Sunrise." Standing to Basil's left is Charles H. Green, president of Sunrise Bank.

Basil is visiting in part to attend the GreenPrints convention of green architects and builders from throughout the Southeast.

The glass industry knows that, up until Glass Craft USA's patented process, it was impossible to etch tempered glass because it shattered. The truly interesting quality about this to the green industry is that etched tempered glass also reduces heat transference by more than 25%--thus lowering energy costs. For more information visit www.glasscraftusa.com


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