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Introducing Our Next President

Hey, if you're disenchanted with the current crop of presidential candidates, here's a canny feline ready to jump into the ring. She appeared on my scene about 12 years ago--1996--when I stopped at a crossroads store in Cherry Log, GA, up near the Pink Pig Restaurant (it's a hillside show stopper).

As people are fond of doing in the country, someone had dropped off this kitten at the country store. It was about 16 degrees out (today it's in the 60s in January, hmmmm)and since I couldn't tolerate the smoke that was choking the store, I went outside along with the little kitten, who promptly climbed up my arm and glommed onto my head, which was the warmest thing around.

The proprietor said, "You can take that damn cat with you too!" and I said I might be back in a couple of days to pick her up. "She ain't gonna be here in a couple days."

I knew what that meant.

At that moment, as yet unnamed, the kit decided to ride back to Atlanta with me-- she sat on my shoulder the whole two hours south. As my beau-friend said, "That's the most spontaneous thing I've ever seen you do!" (Little did the kitten know she'd have to contend with Boog, my 18 year old deaf, blind and tiny bonsai cat at home, who ran the show!)


Now, years after her master trainer Boog has gone to the Happy Hunting Ground, my little kitty has grown shrewd from years of hunting impertinent chipmunks and perfecting her stump speech.

She knows her way along the Path of Possibilty.

Although she's tough on the campaign trail (watch out you varmints) she also knows how to relax like a Zen Master.

She knows her way around the stars and big shots, and she will always be a contender -- and yet she's one of the happiest creatures I've ever met!

But probably most important of all, she's had plenty of experience and feels extremely comfortable in the Oval Office. Introducing HILLARY RODHAM KITTEN!

Let me know if she gets your vote too! XO, Patrice Dickey


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