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Platinum Mastermind at Miramonte Resort & Spa

Hey, if you notice a silvery glow around this ebullient group overlooked by the Santa Rosa mountains, it's all the great energy we experienced in synergy--helping lift each other up! Led by Alexandria Brown, this is a really high-powered group of Solo-preneurs, from a Feng Shui specialist (RedLotusLetter.com) to a copy-writing queen (RedHotCopy.com). You can tell I'm into red! Fifteen of us met--extraordinary insights and great juju! Here we are pictured holding copies of my multi-award winning inspirational book, Back to the Garden: Getting from Shadow to Joy. I gave each of them a copy to share the wealth. Ali Brown is in the center wearing a black & white top, and I'm next to her in the lavender sweater/jacket.

One of my favorite boondoggles is always the complimentary spa visit--this time at The Well, where I experienced the Foot Ritual (pictured here--a ceremonial cleansing of the feet in rose water--accompanied by wonderful releasing massage--) and followed by the Mediterranean Veggie Wrap (no, it was not the lunch menu--but a deeply relaxing treatment). Check soon for my article in les nouvelles esthetiques & spa, the leading skin care & spa trade publication in the US, to whom I contribute spa insights regularly.


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