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Nature, Magic & Manifestation at The Cabin Path

We began with gentle yoga, then ventured out into the woods to explore the Native American Prayer Circle where we offered up our intentions of what we want to create in our lives. We hunted for treasures from which to create our own Manifestation Fairies (Ethereal Guides) and Fairy Abodes (from Grottoes to Feast Tables to Fairy Aeries), and closed with a silent walk around the labyrinth at the lake shore.

What a brilliant and alive group ventured forth into the woods last Sunday, our FUNDay at the Cabin Path! We included psychologists, writers, landscape designers, marketers and teachers, artists and true believers (in the Fairy Folk, of course!) And also in the power of manifestation through intention and vision.

Here's what one friend, Danna Cain, said about her experience:

Thanks for a wonderful, magical day that filled my needs perfectly! I needed some time to escape into nature, discover a new place, be energized and be creative. Since I tend to be a loner, it was also a good thing to have interaction with others, yet, in a way that I felt that I was comfortably helping (without being sucked of energy), yet energized because I was helping. It's a tough balance and situation to find balance in .. yet I found it at this gathering.

The group of women gathered there were so balanced and we all "fit" together so perfectly. I was a part of many exchanges that uplifted many and observed other communications among others that did the same.

Most just from the heart, yet so serendipitous.

I think the greatest beauty of the group was the way that everyone felt the freedom to present themselves from wherever their place and issues were ..... yet everyone had the intention to go forward, to grow.

This kept everything in a positive dynamic.

Sure that your writings, your seminars, your books had a tremendous influence on that and that was all a part of your manifestations.

You are doing wonderful things and I'm so happy to be a part of it all.

Thank you Danna! You are a beautiful spirit, as were all who gathered that day! Thanks again to Sarah Crutchfield for her fantastic facilities at The Cabin Path!

And here's what Sarah wrote to us about the magic we left behind:

Dear All,
I wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed meeting all of you, and I wanted to thank you for the fairies and fairy homes! I had 3 workshops this week for children.. including a school for special needs...and they absolutely LOVED the fairies...the MAGIC continues! They brought smiles and laughter to all of the groups, but one autistic girl was spellbound by them! She laughed and jumped and pointed to every one of them. It confirmed my belief in fairies and everyone else that witnessed this miracle.

Thanks again for coming, for sharing, and for believing!
Take care... Sarah

A journey to touch your soul.


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