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How long has it been since you've stepped out on the Path of Possibility? Here's where it begins in my back yard in the Enchanted Forest of Avondale Estates. The giant magnolia tree beside the tumbling Carolina Jasmine on the pergola is at least 80 years
old-- "magnificent dirty tree--how I love its flawed perfection!" (as I describe my friendly stalwart tree in my book BACK TO THE GARDEN: Getting from Shadow to Joy).

The stone pathway leads beneath the Spirit Gate (a Shinto-styled Torii gate), and curves around to a Power Spot in the back yard, where my groups stand, holding hands, visualizing and sending skyward our powerful energetic intentions for our unfoldment, where they are multiplied a thousand-fold-- it's exciting!

The Japanese Magnolia is a symphony in pink.

And the pansies in their baskets on my back porch absolutely exude joy!

Several members of Get the Life You Love, my popular Evening at Emory class that's run since 1999, joined me at home this week for a celebratory dinner. It's so gratifying when people say that simple shifts in perspective they've learned in the class have changed their lives. I'm so grateful to have the opportunity to share my insights with such wonderful people, and watch them immediately begin implementing plans to get the lives they love. Whether it's new hairdos, new attitudes, new jobs, better ways of conducting their business or new fitness programs demonstrating self-love, they're doing it!


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