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Tra La, It's May! The Lusty Month of May

What could be more magical than the first of May-- deep spring, here in the South, with the trees already in full leaf and the Fairies obviously ready for FUNday at The Cabin Path this weekend, where we'll enjoy Nature, Magic & Manifestation! Not only will we create our own Ethereal Guides (Manifestation Fairy) but also houses for them to live comfortably along the wooded path.

The Native American Creeks and Cherokees knew this land was a power spot-- this Twisted Tree where Sarah Crutchfield stands with her sister served as a guide for people walking the trails to reach the Sacred Prayer Circle on higher ground overlooking their lake. Just below, the Crutchfields have constructed a labyrinth on the lakeshore, where people release the old and rejuvenate with new thought on their contemplative walk under the trees.


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