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Less than a week ago I faced one of my big fears, which was based mainly on the mistaken perception that flying in a helicopter down into the Grand Canyon would be like squeezing through the eye of a needle. As you can see here, there's plenty of breathing space on the western rim. It was spectacular.

When asked, our Chinese pontoon boat guide down below on the Colorado River said he'd come here because Hurricane Katrina took away his restaurant in New Orleans. Las Vegas and environs draw every walk of people from everywhere in the world.

I loved the peace of the Grand Canyon-- it absorbed even the clatter of 'copters & buses, gawkers & talkers galore in its vastness.

At Loews on the Lake Las Vegas we enjoyed a patio luncheon. I'm with two members of the Platinum Mastermind, myself in red between Sydney Biddle Barrows on the left and Katie Weber the Feng Shui expert (RedLotusLetter.com) on the right.

Even though the photo is a bit distant, I get a kick that the "Mayflower Madam" (whose book on her classic entrepreneurial endeavor was required reading by Harvard Business School) is reinventing herself through Ali Brown's Platinum Marketing Mastermind-- as we all are!

A champagne toast with Alexandria Brown, our fearless leader, after day two of our intense brainstorming sessions. We're all helping each other and lifting each other up. She is a hoot! Very fun-loving and quite brilliant with her marketing ideas, language and tactics.

Another Small World Connection-- Imagine our surprise when I suggested to Joe & Shari Criso of The Birth Boutique in New Jersey and YourBabyExperts.com (Shari is an RN and lactation consultant, and the milk of human kindness literally flows from BOTH of them)that I would like to introduce them to my sister Susan Dickey, PhD RN, who is a professor of pediatric nursing at Temple University in Philadelphia.

Shari said, "Your sister is Susan Dickey? The one who wrote the book--Guide to the Nursing of Children?" YES! Turns out Susan was Shari's professor 18 or so years ago --and she remembers my sister's dedication and creativity for all these years. I can't wait until I reconnect them via this blog!


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