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Toasts all 'round during the British American Business Group's annual Garden Party at the home of Her Majesty's Consul General Martin Rickard, here shown congratulating Basil Haslett, businessman and inventor, who established the US headquarters of Glass Craft USA in Atlanta. Haslett's US patent was granted in January 2008 for his process of etching and engraving tempered glass.

Past president Sarah Gilbert of the British American Business Group and I toast Basil with Pimm's--an exotic gin-based liquor made in England from dry gin, liqueur, fruit juices and spices. It was created in 1859 by the English oyster bar owner James Pimm. The recipe is still a secret, and only six persons know exactly how it is made. I never knew it existed, but the Brits and I all thrived on it in Atlanta's heatwave!

Celebrating the 400th anniversary of Bushmills -- established in 1608 in County Antrim (Basil's home turf) when King James I granted a license to produce whisky--here at FADO in Buckhead, Atlanta, Basil displays the etched and gilded Bushmills logo-- just a small portion of the entire work he completed using the Glass Craft process at the Bushmills Distillery in Northern Ireland.


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