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The Decatur Book Festival over Labor Day Weekend was a blast, as always, with 75,000 attendees and a FABU "Meet 'n' Greet on the Street" as I sold oodles of copies of my multi-award-winning inspirational book BACK TO THE GARDEN: GETTING FROM SHADOW TO JOY and its CD audiobook, Selected Chapters. If you want to order your own copy of the book & CD, please visit this link--and I'll send it to you autographed to you if you want. I have a web special going right now!

Later in the week I gave an inspirational talk for Skyland Trail's Community Education Series-- "How to Get the Life You Love" --which is a lot about achieving balance in an off-kilter world. Here I'm displaying one of my many Treasure Maps with its many "dreams come true!" I emphasize the importance of discovering your creative gift and sharing it with the world-- I honestly believe that when we allow the energy of our creativity to flow through us and manifest as WHATEVER it is, that we bring a higher vibration to ourselves and the entire planet.

If you want to learn more about how to bring your vision to life through Radical Manifestation, I'm leading Get the Life You Love RADICAL MANIFESTATION ACTION WORKSHOP on Sunday, October 19, inside the Atlanta perimeter. Find out more here! http://www.artofchange.org/RMWorkshop


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do realize Janet Smith is not known as an artist in this town. You are obviously not in touch with Memphis-an artist and an idealist are two different terms. Her art does not sell-over rated and the talent isn't as you have it out to be. She overprices low quality art-and no galleries have her in Memphis or abroad. I think it is called a hobby.

November 3, 2011 at 6:21 PM  

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