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Get the Life You Love with Radical Manifestation!

At my live event last Sunday, I revealed that one of the key blocks to manifesting what we DO want is letting our energy be tied up in Victim or Perpetrator stories from the past (two sides of a coin, there)-- or obsessing with our "what if?" stories of doom about the future. These ideas come from Carolyn Myss' work "Why People Don't Heal and How They Can."

And, Colin Tipping has created a tool which creates an "energy interrupt" -- the Radical Forgiveness worksheet. The great thing is, you don't even have to believe in it for it to work. Just like you don't have to believe in the laws of physics for them to work--because his tool is based on the laws of physics and energy flow. When we interrupt the energy around the old stories and future worries, we're able to channel more of our energy (or perhaps even ALL of it) to creating what we DO want in the present. YES!

When learning all this heady material, a great way to integrate it into our cells and really "incorporate" it is through dancing. We kept our vibration high and sync'd in a mountain of important concepts throughout the day.

Another great friend who is also a yoga teacher like me, Kim Saunders, led us in Dahn yoga tapping to stimulate our lymphatic systems and really keep the mojo working. As a cancer survivor (who just staged a fundraiser for the Susan G. Komen Foundation) Kim is a MAJOR proponent of keeping the energy flowing.

One of the day's many surprises (just like LIFE!) was the presentation of BIG CHECKS that came to all of us, directly from the BANK OF THE UNIVERSE. One participant emailed me that a big (for real) check showed up in her mailbox the next day!

Bottom line: Operators are standing by. When we know what to ask for, and how to ask, they are ready to deliver our order. I LOVE teaching this information to my coaching clients and workshop attendees!


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