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BLEACHY-HAIRED HONKY BITCH author Hollis Gillespie is clowning around with me at the Atlanta Press Club Holiday Authors Party & Fundraiser recently-- actually she's the one on the right even though the arrow points in my direction. She is a HOOT (I just watched her Tonight Show interview with Jay Leno on her site http://www.hollisgillespie.com
She's now flogging her latest book TRAILER TRASHED: My Dubious Efforts Toward Upward Mobility.

Like Hollis, my friend Sydney Biddle Barrows (The Mayflower Madam) is also flogging her new book UNCENSORED SALES STRATEGIES, XXX-RATED SECRETS A Radical New Approach to Selling Your Customers What They Really Want--No Matter What Business You're In. Sydney's book (co-authored with marketing maven Dan Kennedy) features one of my PR success stories. Here are Sydney (on the left) and I pictured with Feng Shui expert Katie Weber at Loews Lake Las Vegas last May, one of our Platinum Marketing Mastermind retreats.

The link-- they both use BIG HUMOR to make their points!

At a recent talk on "How to Get the Life You Love" for Chris Morris' CMA Financial Group holiday shindig, to close I called up Chris (on the left) and Anthony Seal, a friend who took Dale Carnegie Sales Training with me nearly 20 years ago! So far by that point I'd collected the keys to a new sports car, an AMEX Platinum card, a $100 bill and two good-looking guys, simply by asking for them. Hey, you gotta ask if you want to get! This applies to asking the Universe for what you want, as well.

Happy Holidays!


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