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Dr. Nancy Robinson (here in her doctoral robes) and I met when I keynoted the Soroptimists Awards Banquet in March 2007--when she was just embarking on her dream of creating TechKnowledge Learning Centers, Inc, a 501c3 charitable organization with a goal of "bridging the digital divide."

Nancy, who didn't begin her own higher education until age 48, completed undergraduate & masters degrees in five years, and then a doctorate in computer science three years later. That's FOCUS. And she's focused on giving it back.

Her structured after-school programs will provide one-on-one instruction to underprivileged and underserved youth -- and she wants to keep the light in their eyes by offering all state-of-the-art technology.

As she pointed out, kids can go to the library, wait in line two hours to get on the computer for their 30 minute time slot, and get dulled out by antiquated technology before they even begin.

Go for it, Nancy! Currently they need more mice, keyboards & workstations. And donations! She has provided virtually everything else from her own pocket. Wow.

Here's a motley crew! Dallas resident & leadership trainer Mary Beth May, Blaise Dismer, my former next door neighbor who now lives on St. Simons Island, Georgia, and represents Bx-Dx pathology testing labs, and Ned Webb, a high level trainer for AT&T are gathered with me at the memorial service for Nedly's mother, Lillian Webb.

What a great Carnegie family! We four enjoyed the rigors of Dale Carnegie Sales Course Instructor Training in 1986--it was intense! Not only that, but I was kicking the cigarette habit at the time (can you say "nerves on edge?") But it was perfect. Blaise and Ned usually kept us laughing hysterically --at least during breaks from instruction.

Everyone and every aspect of my radical comfort zone expansion through affiliation with Dale Carnegie organization was a blessing. I ended up instructing the Sales Course for 15 years--and earned many "Outstanding Instruction" plaques along the way.


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