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The Renewal Experience!

Just a few years ago I put a photo of a fabulous resort spa on my Vision Board or Treasure Map with the headline "A Spa Odyssey."

I'd gotten the notion that I REALLY wanted to visit some of the top spas in the world as a complimentary, invited guest.

Had absolutely NO idea how this was going to happen--but I really wanted it! And, having enjoyed a few on British Airways PR junkets (I used to represent that fabulous airline in Atlanta), I knew what these spas offered-- complete luxury-- so I could easily put myself in the scene with rich imaginings and heartfelt emotions.

Fast forward a few years and I've now reviewed a couple dozen fabulous spas--all comped!-- and the February issue of les nouvelles esthetiques & spa, for whom I write the Spa of the Month--features the Old Edwards Inn & Spa in picturesque resort town of Highlands, NC, just 2.5 hours north of Atlanta. This pristine area is one of my favorite places in the world! Here's the link http://www.lneonline.com/spa_of_the_month

Even better-- Old Edwards is the locale for The Renewal Experience! My inaugural Wellbeing Weekend, April 9-11, 2010, guides participants to reconnect with their Inner Guide, tap into their vision and learn tools to bring it forth--in the same way I brought forth my own vision, years ago, of visiting all these top spas.

I'm excited!

All this, combined with award-winning dining, optional yoga classes and spa treatments, and deluxe suites at a sweetheart rate. Old Edwards wants us to have a really good time.

Find out more here: http://www.therenewalexperience.com

Spaces are limited and going fast-- DECIDE that you too want to be Rejuvenated, Refreshed and Renewed at The Renewal Experience!

Love & well wishes,


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February 11, 2010 at 6:14 AM  

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