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The wonders of Nature go WAY beyond our own back yards!

Click each image to enlarge

I certainly thought this was enlightening. Beyond our sun... it's a big universe.

Antares is the 15th brightest star in the sky.
It is more than 1000 light years away.

Now try to wrap your mind around this........

This is a hubble telescope ultra deep field infrared view of countless
'entire' galaxies billions of light-years away.

Below is a close up of one of the darkest regions of the photo above.

How big are the things that upset you today? Keep life in perspective, and always stay focused on the things you do want in life, while letting go of outcomes. You may be surprised!

PD's CD Release Soiree at SILK Benefits Park Pride

Abigail Paine, Development Director of Park Pride,
chats with me before the hordes arrived at SILK in Midtown Atlanta.

Software entrepreneur Billy Quinn and Jenny Stevenson

Lisa Haverty, owner of Haverty Hollow, a wonderland for
children; videographer Ted Rubenstein; executive coach
Jim Withers; and Dr. Robert Dallas of The Dallas Center

The Three Graces: Cecie Ingraham, Norma Poindexter & Sara Thackston

Novia Lytle, Charles H. Green, Chair of the Atlanta Dogwood Festival,
Kay Kenimer

Cortne Pappas extols the wonders of nature--much later in the evening!

A portion of the proceeds from all CD, DVD &
book sales goes to Park Pride-- so BACK TO THE GARDEN
gives back to parks & nature!

Some of the late night revelers in full roar!

What a great group! Marina Costarides, Margaret Davis,
Vivian Macks, Dr. Rick Thode, Denise Cunningham, Bill Solomon,
Cortne Pappas, and Brad & Pamela Campbell,
major supporters of Murphey Candler Park.