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A Woman's Spirit Radio Podcast-Wed 1/2/08, 2-3pm

Tune in to A Woman's Spiritâ„¢, a radio show honoring women, on Wednesday, January 2, 2-3pm at www.radiosandysprings.com/womansspirit.php to hear the discussion between me and Vanecia Willis-Leufroy, life facilitator and spiritual practitioner (pictured)about the Universal Laws and how to tap into them. Just like gravity, they always work! It's just a matter of knowing how to work them. The show will also be posted for 48 hours following the webcast. Xee you Xoon! XO, Patrice

Holiday Ho-Ho-Ho

The British American Business Group Holiday Luncheon last Friday at Atlanta's Capital City Club was the classic British hoot! Ever up for holiday folly, the Brits staged a
"Sing-Song" of "The 12 Days of Christmas" which had the Lords a-leaping, the Ladies dancing, the Maids a-milking etc, as each table over-acted our particular verse to win a prize, while the waitstaff looked on in amazement at those stolid subjects of the Queen (and their willing American cohorts in revelry).

Pictured L-R are my sales & marketing client Basil Haslett, visiting Atlanta from Northern Ireland to establish his Glass Craft USA headquarters here. We're partying down with a whip-wielding Ms. Ho-Ho-Ho and Santa himself, Bill Lind of British Airways. A lucky attendee won Club World (business class) round trip seats to London from British Airways, one of my former PR/marketing clients. British Airways gets my vote for international travel--they are top notch!

The next day was the first annual Fundraiser and Awards Luncheon for ProWomen.org, Professional Women's Anonymous, which provides support, education and media management to women (or men) harassed in the workplace. This new non-profit, founded in 2007, provides a non-legal alternative to people who have been harassed.

Pictured (L-R) are Advisory Board members Marjorie Singley-Hall and Patrice Dickey (I also served as Emcee at the event), speaker Karyn Pettigrew and founder/president Sandi Aigoro.

"Harassment has many faces. We define it as any unwanted action, gesture, or word that causes an individual or group to feel uncomfortable and/or at a disadvantage," said founder and president Sandi Aigoro.

ProWomen.org provides a great service for people who feel that their HR departments are in place to protect the corporation more than the harassed individual. Before this, the question loomed: Who ya gonna call? Now we have an answer: Pro Women!

I left corporate behind in 1989 for some of the same reasons, and have been a happy solo-preneur ever since... as Your Guide to the Life You Love, teaching people how to get the life they love and afford it!