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Make 'Em Cry; Make 'Em Laugh

It was so exciting to deliver my presentation "How to Get the Life You Love--Patrice Dickey's Lessons from Tuesdays With Morrie" for the "Fayette on the Page" inaugural event! My hosts at the Fayette County Library had this to say:

"Lady, you are purpose driven by a higher force! It shows through your movements and your presentation. You are a star! Several customers commented on how you delivered your work of art. Love it! Love it! One woman said yesterday that she was totally into your presentation and wants to have you back. Keep shining..."

Christeen Snell, Public Library Director

"Patrice demonstrates a great passion for her topic, and conveys her message with boundless joy, energy and style."

Sarah Trowbridge, Public Services Librarian

I tell ya, that group warmed the cockles of my heart!