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Tree-Huggin' & California Dreamin'

Make sure to tune in to my interview with Jean Adrienne, renowned throughout Europe & the US for her intuitive strengths, at 8pm EST on Tuesday, March 10, at http://www.7thWaveNetwork.com

A wintry tree alongside the highway through Sonoma Valley, luscious wine country getting its first drenching in quite awhile during our visit--and springing to life! The Fairmont Sonoma Mission Inn & Spa was dreamy and the food at Sante spectacular.

En route to San Francisco we hiked through Muir Woods and I was reminded by all the charred tree trunks that we may all be burned & scarred at times in our lives, but we do survive--sometimes for eons, like these fabulous redwoods.

Famous comedian Yakov Smirnoff attended Brendon Burchard's partnering seminar and several of us enjoyed the art shows in Union Square, downtown San Francisco.

Then, believe it or not, a big snow back home in Georgia on March 1! Here's the lacy, graceful Japanese maple and stone lantern at the center of my power circle, way in the back of my yard.

The next day, as is the custom with snow in Georgia, it had pretty much disappeared, except for the remaining snow-folk around town. My dear friends Faye & Bob Boyd and Joe Allen helped load up a couple of truckloads of home furnishings for my young friends Tia & Kesha. Tia has 3 young sons age 5 & under--and when they had to leave their last apartment, they lost everything.

So here we are--me, Kesha, Bob Boyd, Davon, Davonte & DeAngelo at their freshly furnished apartment. Talk about stepping out on faith, every moment and every breath! The sole money earner for a family of five works at a Mrs. Winner's--and her sister provides childcare. This is what we're all being asked to do-- step out on faith-- with courage, optimism, trust and hope!