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What's it All About?

Enchanted April, it is!

After all the study, preparation and excitement leading up to
my inaugural Wellbeing Weekend April 9-11 in Highlands, NC--
The Renewal Experience at Old Edwards Inn & Spa...

The entire weekend created an EXPLOSION of LOVE,
all the amazing women a NEW VISION of themselves
and what they are contributing to the world.


Even a few weeks later, after processing the wonderfulness
of our joyful and hopeful weekend together,
descriptive words like soul-enriching,
mind-blowing, energy-expanding and heart-opening
barely express what happened for us all--

We tapped in. We experienced the ineffable.
Pure Grace, Love, Hope and Joy. The Pulse of the Universe.

It was profound. Indescribable. Knock-your-socks-off.

Everyone let the tough shells of our egos fall away--
and with all the highly accomplished over-achievers
in the room, all these women who carry the weight of
the world on their shoulders, supporting families,
running organizations and businesses, keeping all
the plates spinning at once--this is quite a feat!

We allowed ourselves to be REAL.

Hearts opened, tears flowed.

"We came together as strangers and parted as confidantes
eager to see each other realize the dreams that we all saw
slowly take shape as the weekend unfolded," said Merrill Rose,
who trekked to the Smokies from New York City for the event.

And from this new understanding and experience of
Self-Awareness, Self-Acceptance, Self-Respect and
Self-Love, we grew exponentially, raised the vibe to its heights!

As Thommi Odom said (our scholarship recipient--thanks to
Old Edwards Inn & Spa and my Certified Financial Planner,
Fred Akers, who sponsored her on this wonderful adventure),
"I left the retreat with a huge smile on my heart knowing that I
was ready and fully equipped for the next chapter in my life.

Today's feature touches on some of the techniques we used to tap
this incredible high vibration energy. Enjoy!


Conventional Wisdom: Set goals
New Wisdom: Set intentions and take action. Be specific
about what you intend to create; take action, and stay open
to much, much more.

Conventional Wisdom: Get in shape
New Wisdom: Get into what brings you vitality and joy!
Do what feels great, not just what you know works; i.e.
take long walks and observe nature. Schedule blocks of time
for physical activity and relaxation every day.

Conventional Wisdom: Give up a bad habit
New Wisdom: Love yourself more. When you're nice to yourself,
you treat your body with tender loving care.

Conventional Wisdom: Work harder
New Wisdom: Have more fun! More hard work yields
diminishing returns when it wears you down and burns you out.
Do only what really makes a difference to the desired outcomes.
Learn to delegate. Good is good enough.

Conventional Wisdom: Get more done through multi-tasking
New Wisdom: Focus only on the thing at hand and be
completely present with it. Block in time for the un-scheduled
and experience diminished stress.

Conventional Wisdom: Do more toward "the dream"
New Wisdom: Get quiet more often so the dream can find you.
Scheduled silence, thinking time and/or meditation is a great
way to focus action.

Conventional Wisdom: Make more money
New Wisdom: Make more meaning. When you create meaning
for others and live a meaningful life, you'll attract more abundance--
which shows up as wealth in many wonderful ways!