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Sunny Side, Huh?

Reading friend & coaching client Rev. Jamie Saloff's
wonderful new book, Prayer Superchargers,
reminds me that we do always need to Remember
What is Most Important--and stay focused on it.

During times of turbulence, upset & miscommunication
it's so easy to let ourselves look through the Doom Glasses
and spiral off to the worst possible outcome.

Today, Sunny Side, Huh? gives some tips on cultivating
a positive outlook no matter what's happening in your world.


That's the title of my inspirational picture/tale of the complementary
techniques that helped me SAIL through 2009's year of treatment.

I'll be speaking at the monthly CHOICES event, where you'll
experience a variety of complementary healing techniques.

WHERE & WHEN: SUNDAY, August 29, 3-5pm at Decatur Healing Arts.

Chinese Healing Gong, Didgeridoo, Chinese Traditional Medicine
Monroe Institute Hemi-Sync and more! Only $10--
Here's the link to reserve your spot:


Optimism is the expectation that desirable things
will happen in life--abundantly. Pessimism is a belief
that bad events will last a long time--and they are the
responsibility of the individual.

One way to take a walk on the sunny side is to become
clear about your life vision. In a study mentioned in
The How of Happiness, people who wrote about their life
visions for 20 minutes a day over several days showed
increases in positive moods and were still happy several weeks
later! They also reported fewer physical ailments than
a control group.

Writing about your best possible self and the outcomes
you DO want to experience, five and ten years from now, helps
you flex your inner optimist.

Writing things down, because it carries the energy of heart
and mind into a tangible form, also tends to bring your vision to
life more readily. The process also offers the more left-brained
benefits of organizing and analyzing thoughts, which doesn't
occur when you're only day-dreaming about your best life.

If pessimistic thoughts appear, think back to a time
when you've succeeded in something-- then you'll look
beyond the Doom Glasses and see strengths and resources
you already have.

Love & Well Wishes,
Patrice Dickey
Your Guide to the Life You Love
Certified Wellness & Life Success Coach

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Hope Manifesto!

One year ago today was my LUCKY day-- the final chemo
session after five months of weekly "trips to the beach."
I'd wear my surfer girl pants and baseball wig hat,
load up my Atlantis beach bag with my Hemi-Sync
"Chemo Companion" CD & player,
snacks, water cooler & book, and go chill
out in the lounge chair for a few hours while envisioning
love & light stream into my body and convert all my
cells to light--while trusty fluffy & loving granny white cells hugged
and squeezed any unwanted elements right out of my body!

Since what we resist, persists (disease), I figured I'd rather
embrace the messenger, get the message and move on.

The message that cancer brings is to release resentment &
anger, and practice radical forgiveness (an understanding
that all is perfect and there is really nothing to forgive--
because every life circumstance is a lesson and a blessing,
even if we can't see it that way at its occurrence).

Well, it worked.

I KNOW a lot of that is mindset and our approach to challenges.

This is how I help people move forward in my classes and
with individual coaching -- with fresh perspectives and hope.

Please enjoy my Hope Manifesto as the feature article.
It's what I hope for you, and everyone.

Love & Well Wishes,

Patrice Dickey
Your Guide to the Life You Love
Wellness & Life Success Coach

PS--Experience a variety of complementary healing techniques
SUNDAY, August 29, 3-5 pm at Decatur Healing Arts!
(mark your calendar now)

I will deliver my empowering talk,
"Why Suffer? Enjoy Your Healing Journey!"
Diane Waybright of The Monroe Institute will explain "How
Hemi-Sync Helps Your Healing" and we'll enjoy a Dijeridoo
Meditation, info on Chinese Medicine & Energy Healing, & a
Chinese Healing Gong Bath, Only $10--
Here's the link:


Hope for my Wellness, Personal & Professional Success Clients--

*Hope that you will live a richer & more fulfilling life,
both personally and professionally, with the increased
confidence & skill sets that you will gain on our journey

*Hope that you will contribute to the wellbeing of others
in meaningful ways, which will lift up your spirit as you
lift up theirs;

*Hope that your physical body will feel good, be strong,
and support you well in all your endeavors, with realistic
behavioral goals to get you there;

*Hope that you will create & nurture supportive, enduring
relationships with friends, relatives & your community,
because open systems nurture each other, whereas closed
systems stifle everyone;

*Hope that your spiritual growth & self-awareness serve as
an example for others, inspiring them to BE who they really ARE;

*Hope that how you live on earth may actually help to heal it--
and yourself in the process as you contribute;

*Hope that your ongoing energetic output & presence raises
the vibration of all around you in the earth's transformation
to higher consciousness;

*Hope that incremental expansions of your comfort zone, and
mini-successes every day will increase your boldness & optimism,
and that yours will mirror and expand others';

*Hope that perseverance, persistence & self-discipline will shape
your life & the lives of others to keep on keeping on, despite
obstacles, adversity, heartbreaks and perceived failures--
that you will give your whole heart to a cause greater than