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Coming Out!

Just a year ago I completed treatment on my Healing Journey through Stage III breast cancer, and a year out I'm free, FREE! And filled with gratitude, in my bliss cloud of life in the moment.

During these past 12 months of regaining health, strength, direction and focus, I asked myself over and over, "What do I REALLY want? What is the perfect life for me? What will keep me in this incredible state of joy, flow & happiness?"

(That is, AFTER I came out of a dark depression and feeling of worthlessness that Beau Joe tells me was chemo-induced). I honestly didn't know how I was going to get back into work mode.

My Self Responded: Don't let the Ego Mind seduce you into recreating old patterns of the high-intensity life with too much travel & too many seminars (whether I'm delivering or attending to get the next adrenaline rush), unnecessary spending, all the bells, whistles, "titsmanship" and stress.

A secret: I coined "titsmanship" more than 20 years ago when I was in the corporate world to describe destructive, competitive relationships among women, and there's a corresponding term for men. Can you guess what the masculine version is? ;-)

It was quite odd for me, the extravert whose career involves speaking to audiences, to experience the metamorphosis "back from the bald"-- after a full year of wigs & baseball caps! Rather like that old story from the Bible about Sampson & Delilah, when I lost my hair, I lost my mojo too.

Oddly, it took several months to regain my self-confidence, an attribute which has rarely been in short supply!

I owe a lot of that to my decision to be gentle with myself, and not to panic if things weren't operating on some whip/ride deadline I'd imposed arbitrarily.

For example, I had to wait until my hair was "right" for the new look photo shoot--that was July. The old straight blonde look is gone forever,and I'm relishing my new 30-second hair--which grew in dark brown, thick, fine and curly--a lot like my dad's when he was a kid.

And then months of working out the new tagline. Literally.
The new graphic design, new Ezine format--and of course
the new website, which was supposed to be ready to rock on
November 20th, but I'm not beating myself up over that either.

All Things in Divine Order.

So, although my newsletter is still "Your Guide to the Life You Love," I have changed my tag to "Your Best Life Coach" -- because I help Baby Boomer & Empty Nester Women leaving corporate or their profession get their Best Life and let their creative lights shine!

Ten years ago I had a vision of my best life-- and I am so grateful that I have stayed faithful to my own vision, not necessarily society's--and achieved it! I'm living it every day--living in that state of creative flow, joy and wonder that is our most important "job" in the world today.

What this means is that YOU CAN DO IT TOO.

So glad both you and I are here for my "coming out," the debut of my new 'do!

MAKE LIFE HEAVEN IN 2011! AN EXCLUSIVE GROUP COACHING EXPERIENCE for a select group of ONLY TEN PEOPLE in the Atlanta/Decatur metro area

If you've ever heard that old maxim,
"The road to hell is paved with good intentions,"
you may know what it's like to say one thing and do another.

Are you ready to get your best life? With the right environment,
the right encouragement, and the right activities, you can do it.

Get the details of MAKE LIFE HEAVEN IN 2011,
my private, affordable group coaching experience for seven
wonderful Wednesdays, and only ten wonderful people,
beginning on Wednesday, January 5, 2011!

This is a LIVE experience so you need to be within driving distance!


Spaces are going fast and the Early Bird Solstice Special is good only until midnight, Tuesday, December 21--
so reserve your place now!

Sacred Journey of the Heart

Just before Thanksgiving, I engaged in a profound healing experience conducted by the founder of Radical Forgiveness, Colin Tipping, one of my mentors, and his wife JoAnn, recently returned from months of conducting RF seminars all over Europe.

Ronna Prince and Donald Backstrom, producers of Sacred Journey of the Heart, a film that's launching in 2011, sacredjourneyoftheheart.com
have benefited greatly from Radical Forgiveness (as I have, too), and
wanted to include one of Colin's ceremonies in the film.

What an exceptional gathering of 60 of Colin's followers came together at
The Open Mind Center in Roswell, GA, for the Gender Healing Ceremony!

We formed two circles--men on the outside at first, and women created
the inner circle. The men placed their hands on our shoulders to provide
energetic and symbolic support, which we needed to be open to receive.
Karen Taylor-Good's wonderful song about a woman being loved just for
being herself--not for her roles as caregiver, child-bearer, mother, etc.

I had no clue I'd be so profoundly moved--but with a full moon, the intention of love and acceptance was magnified.

My body frequently resonated as the men moved behind us, from woman to woman (as is typical, more women than men had gathered--but the men had brave and open hearts!
And we performed the same ceremony for the men, following ours).

A humbling gratitude washed over me as I realized the huge support I've received from my father all my life, even though as a younger person I'd been poisoned to that awareness by my mother, trapped by her
mental illness of resentment.

Thank God I've been able to shift that, to a great extent through Colin's online Forgive Your Parent program that I completed two years ago in this fall season of releasing the old.

I am so grateful that my father is still around for me to express my gratitude to him.

The woman next to me also had tears streaming down her face--as did many others receiving this delicious energetic bounty.

What a gift!

Colin told us this kind of heart opening ceremony impacts a 60 mile radius with its positive energy--raising the vibration of the planet.

Every time any of us experiences or expresses gratitude,
we are doing the same.

Gratitude to the max in the season of GivingThanks.

What are you grateful about, right now?

Lord, I want to thank you, because you been so good to me.
Lord, I want to thank you-- you made a way for me!
Woke up one mornin'--there was no food on the table.
But I found out my God was able.
I have so much to thank God for!

from an old Gospel song