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How to Get the Life You Love!

Full throttle delivery here, giving the talk that I'll deliver as part of Skyland Trail's Community Education Series next Thursday, September 4, 6-8pm. I really appreciate what this wonderful organization is all about: helping adults recover from serious mental illness including major depression, bipolar illness and schizophrenia.

All are welcome, but seating is limited so make a reservation at communityeducationseries@skylandtrail.org or call 678-686-5901.

Their adjunctive therapies especially appeal to me, because that's the message I deliver in my talk-- tap into your creative core and bring your gifts to the world. I honestly believe that much mental illness stems from people's inability to express their creative gifts.

Skyland Trail offers horticulture, art, music, drama & recreation therapies to help them re-engage and connect -- to improve their social, psychological and overall health. Some of the client artworks on display are spectacular!

Think of the many artistic masters who have struggled with depression and mental illness--among them Samuel Johnson, Vincent Van Gogh, Robert Schumann. The list could go on and on.

What's your creative gift? When are you going to share it with the world?


Several of my new friends from the most recently graduated "Get the Life You Love" class at Evening at Emory enjoyed my signature "Potluck at PD's" this week. I fixed a smoked turkey breast on the Green Egg (so moist & juicy--the Egg is idiot-proof outdoor cooking, which I love!) Here we are in all our glory after our Dessert Bar sugar high--fruit tarts, brownies, strawberry cake, homemade pound cake-- it was a feast!

What a great group-- each group over the past nine years as wonderful as the last. I've discovered a major shift in the groups since The Secret, and since Oprah has brought a lot of people to conscious living through advocating Eckhart Tolle's A New Earth-- even the left brain linear thinkers (such as the accountant among us) are open to experiencing the things that can't be seen-- using my techniques to strengthen intuition and be on the alert for synchronicities which lead us in the flow.

Janet Bivens, MD, a beautiful general practitioner who has run a successful clinic for decades, rarely allowing herself any time to express the real Janet, is delighted to have created a path to her "next life" where she'll share her gifts in other ways.

The simple awareness that WE ARE ENOUGH as we are-- without being in constant whip/ride and PRODUCE, PRODUCE mode, is huge to most of the overachievers who show up in my class. It takes one to know one, yes, I get this!

Just yesterday I allowed myself to slip into the most profound savasana (deep relaxation) on the yoga mat in my office. We forget that the restorative poses and lots of rest are key to a balanced life and happy living. Obviously, I needed it.

Radical Manifestation with Colin Tipping

What a spectacular five days with Colin & JoAnn Tipping and the others who congregated from around the world for his Radical Manifestation workshop and coach training!

Here's the big secret that I think very few people have "gotten" when they're doing their utmost to manifest like gods and goddesses when they're stuck in the clay:

"Nothing lowers your vibration more than refusing to let go of your victim story about things that have happened in the past about which you have resentment, regret, disappointment, anger, sadness, grief and so on. It is one of the main tenets of Radical Manifestation... that Radical Forgiveness must come first. That means totally transforming your victim story by being willing to recognize the perfection in what happened and realizing that there was nothing to forgive." p. 100 of Colin Tipping's excellent book Radical Manifestation.

Having participated in two of Colin's Radical Forgiveness workshops over the past ten years since he developed them, I know their technology is amazing. I also confess to a WHOLE LOT MORE RADICAL FORGIVENESS that needs to occur in my life.

It's not hard. In fact, his technology makes it simple. Just go to
and check out the free downloads for the forms. They walk you right through the old hurts and help you clean yourself up and raise your vibration, simply by becoming willing. Fascinating spiritual intelligence at work!

Love & well wishes, Patrice