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In Honor of Valentine’s Day, Honor Your Heart—
Learn from your heart’s wisdom and let its answers lift you up!

1. Recognize a stressful feeling then Freeze-Frame it--take a time out.
2. Pretend you’re breathing through your heart.
3. Recall a positive feeling you’ve had in life and try to re-experience it.
4. Sincerely ask your heart, “What would be a more efficient response to this situation?”
5. Listen to your heart’s answer.


Yesterday I addressed the metro Atlanta YMCA management team on Stress Resilience-- some Sinfully Simple Secrets to Stress Down in Chaotic Times. Believe it or not, a calm facial expression and deep breathing down into the abdomen are two techniques you can IMMEDIATELY implement to feel better. By shifting your physiology, you shift your emotions-- and the world looks like a more friendly place.

For AN HOUR's worth of tips on how to Stop Worrying & Get the Life You Love, simply register here
http://www.artofchange.org/gtl and you'll be sent a link to my free teleseminar audio download! Do it asap because I have a special Valentine's offer that ends at midnight on Sunday 2/15!

Tree lovers of the Enchanted Forest of Avondale Estates united with Trees Atlanta for a big planting recently-- I'm here with neighbors Rick, Tami & little Jess (in the pink) helping to install a linden tree on the verge of N. Clarendon Avenue. Most of our trees are in their 80s and we love our verdant canopy. More trees, please!

It's always great to visit Sarah Crutchfield and her wonderful brood at The Cabin Path, their 52 acre retreat just south of Atlanta http://www.thecabinpath.com
In January she hosted a brain-storming session and labyrinth walk to celebrate her birthday, and several of us re-united after our WONDERFUL Nature, Magic & Manifestation Fun-Day there last spring.