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How to Make Love to Your Inner Critic!

Just yesterday my dad (who turned 84 last week) and I
were chuckling over an email from one of those mysterious
British lawyers (Boylston Hawking-Thorpe, Esq) who
informed me that Luciano Pavarotti had named me (ME!)
as recipient of 34 million from his estate.

Well, Luciano and I have been great friends over the years, but
mainly as I was swept away by his powerful tenor in stereo!

Of course in order to receive that happy fortune, I would
have to render up bits of information that I wasn't quite
willing to share (account numbers, anyone?)

I chose not to do that...even though the addition of his fortune
to mine would make a bit of a difference.

Laughter & humor ARE the best medicines--and
I'm so grateful for my dad's sense of humor, which has kept
him ticking despite crushing health issues and incredible
challenges with my mother (when she was alive--bless
her heart!) all these years.

We can CHOOSE to view life as one big game -- and
DECIDE how we'll play it-- or let ourselves be swept
under by the FUD Factor-- Fear, Uncertainty & Doubt--
which show up as that mental chatter that's hard to shake.

In today's feature and in next week's complimentary
teleseminar, "How to Make Love To Your Inner Critic"
I'll offer some tips on how to keep laughing and put the kabosh
on the Voice of Doom in your head.

Love & Well Wishes,

Patrice Dickey
Your Guide to the Life You Love

*Get Over Your Bad Self & Move Into Peaceful Action--
Just imagine the peaceful, easy feeling inside when you learn how to:

*Get inspired rather than intimidated by your Inner Critic
*Groove rather than grapple with your Gremlin
*Chill out with the Chatterbox
*Soothe the Stressmaker
*Void the Voice of Doom in your head
*Make Peace (not war) with your Monkey Mind!

That's a lot of voices (and old tapes) running in our heads,
telling us things (usually bad & DIRE) that simply are not true!

Sick of listening to the Voice of Doom?
Over it with the Stressmaker and all those other gremlins
that destroy your peace of mind, create fear and prevent
you from enjoying life?

Register now for my complimentary teleseminar,
Get Over Your Bad Self & Move Into Peaceful Action

Thursday, 2/25/10, 2-3pm--If you have to miss it, the
recording will be available afterward!

You'll learn:

*Three surefire techniques to liberate yourself NOW

*Simple physical tricks that anyone can do to feel better FAST

*Immediate access to your optimal state of being that generates


A Wellbeing Weekend for Body & Soul
April 9-11, 2010
Refresh, Rejuvenate, Renew!

Get all the details about THE RENEWAL EXPERIENCE,
my inaugural Wellbeing Weekend for Body & Soul,
April 9-11, 2010, at the spectacular Old Edwards Inn & Spa
in Highlands, NC, in the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains.


Spaces are going fast! Register before March 17 for the
Early Bird discount and easy three-pay option.


What we resist, persists. That's why war doesn't work.

But there's often a battle raging inside our heads--the
nasty jabs from the Jackal; the dismal view of the Voice
of Doom; the hissing of the Stressmaker telling us that
no matter what we do, it's not enough; that our paltry
effort doesn't make a difference; that so-and-so over there
is doing it so much better, so what's the use?

Last week I heard the doom voices more strongly than usual.
Could be it's a February thing. The weather, even in
"Hot-lanta" has not been helpful this winter.

The wonderful thing is that, until I began employing
some of these tips myself (and I have a treasure chest of them),
the Inner Critic, Chatterbox, Monkey Mind or whatever
you want to call it could dominate my mind and my
life for weeks, instead of days, hours, or mere minutes.

Don't you want to pare down your time lost in pessimism?

So, here's how we DO make love with our Inner Critic:

1. First, we liberate ourselves by becoming aware.
Begin to recognize the chattering of the Monkey Mind as it
becomes obvious through tension in the neck & shoulders,
a headache, or perhaps a knot in the stomach.

And say to it, Ah, it's you again! (greet it; yes)

Notice what it's saying through the physical constrictions,
limiting beliefs and emotional blockages.

Receive these messages in a spirit of gratitude, rather
than resistance. These voices are NOT REALLY YOU!

They are your Ego Mind, which exists to create a false
sense of separation between you and everything (thus
making you miserable & grasping for external relief).

(How do YOU spell relief? Remember that Alka-Seltzer ad?)

You begin to make love to your Inner Critic when you are
able to say, "I'm telling myself ...." (that I won't make a
difference; or whatever other negatives are running through
your mind).

Acknowledgment is the beginning of a conversation in your mind between
your REAL self (the Soothing Self, the Non-Ego Amigo)
and the Inner Critic. At a certain point in this conversation,
you're able to CHOOSE whether you want to pay
attention to the vicious Voice of Doom any longer.

2. Take care of your body. One of the best ways to shake
off the Chatterbox is literally by shaking it off!

I teach yoga at Core Body gym in Decatur and when I
see folks streaming in there after work with those grim
expressions on their faces--READY to churn up some
endorphins with Body Pump or the treadmill or weights
--I get OUT of the way!

I remember far too well what it's like to "work for the man"--
but guess what--we all carry "the man" in our own heads
and that's often far worse! (Just watched "School of Rock"
for the first time last night--Jack Black teaching those kids
to "stick it to the man" with rock 'n' roll--what a riot!)

We too must learn to stick it to the man with physical
movement--it doesn't have to be a triathlon--just a quick
walk around the block will do it.

And if you're tired, exhausted, burned out, then REST.
Remember, "Fatigue makes cowards of us all."

3. Keep a journal. I cannot tell you how many rounds of
angst I have poured out onto the pages of my "cheap
psychiatrist" over the years.... and most of the woes never
came into being.

The great news is that when we keep a gratitude journal,
writing down five things each day for which we're grateful,
that does make us happier, and raises our vibration to attract our good.

It's also been proven by the psychologists of happiness
(Martin Seligman, University of Pennsylvania) that keeping
a gratitude journal and FEELING the emotions of gratitude
are one of the best ways to stave off depression.

Okay--you've probably heard some of these things numerous
times-- are you practicing them yet?

My challenge to you: write to me about how YOU
Chill the Chatterbox and Void the Voice of Doom--
I'd love to hear from you!

P.S. I'll be talking about this topic in much greater depth
with a lot more tips in next Thursday's teleseminar, 2/25/10,
2-3pm. Scroll up to register!



If you're interested in having me work with you as a confidante,
cheerleader, resource, accountability czar and trusted friend on
the journey, please contact me at 404-294-9333 or
pdcom@mindspring.com and put coaching in the subject line.

We'll schedule a 20-minute laser coaching session to
shed some insights on your issues!


It is not work that kills men; it is worry. Work is healthy...
Worry is rust upon the blade. It is not the revolution that
destroys the blade, but the friction. Fear secretes acids,
but love and trust are sweet juices.
-Henry Ward Beecher

The Renewal Experience!

Just a few years ago I put a photo of a fabulous resort spa on my Vision Board or Treasure Map with the headline "A Spa Odyssey."

I'd gotten the notion that I REALLY wanted to visit some of the top spas in the world as a complimentary, invited guest.

Had absolutely NO idea how this was going to happen--but I really wanted it! And, having enjoyed a few on British Airways PR junkets (I used to represent that fabulous airline in Atlanta), I knew what these spas offered-- complete luxury-- so I could easily put myself in the scene with rich imaginings and heartfelt emotions.

Fast forward a few years and I've now reviewed a couple dozen fabulous spas--all comped!-- and the February issue of les nouvelles esthetiques & spa, for whom I write the Spa of the Month--features the Old Edwards Inn & Spa in picturesque resort town of Highlands, NC, just 2.5 hours north of Atlanta. This pristine area is one of my favorite places in the world! Here's the link http://www.lneonline.com/spa_of_the_month

Even better-- Old Edwards is the locale for The Renewal Experience! My inaugural Wellbeing Weekend, April 9-11, 2010, guides participants to reconnect with their Inner Guide, tap into their vision and learn tools to bring it forth--in the same way I brought forth my own vision, years ago, of visiting all these top spas.

I'm excited!

All this, combined with award-winning dining, optional yoga classes and spa treatments, and deluxe suites at a sweetheart rate. Old Edwards wants us to have a really good time.

Find out more here: http://www.therenewalexperience.com

Spaces are limited and going fast-- DECIDE that you too want to be Rejuvenated, Refreshed and Renewed at The Renewal Experience!

Love & well wishes,